How we move reveals a lot about the health of our joints and connective tissue. Movement assessments can begin the process of deciphering the cause(s) of deficits in mobility/range of motion issues and function. As previously discussed (Move Better Golf Better) these are the main factors involved in decreased mobility in the senior golfer:
- Soft-tissue health and function (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and other connective tissues)
- Current or previous injury to a joint (acute and unresolved injury will create protective tension that will limit range of motion)
- Arthritic changes within a joint (decreased joint space do to arthritis will limit mobility)
- The shape of your joints (partly genetic and partly activity dependent during our developmental years)
- Post-surgical scar-tissue
Self-Test # 1: The Forward Bend
Purpose: This is a gross assessment to see if the lower back vertebrae, hip joints, and their respective soft-tissues are golf ready.
Instructions: Stand with feet together or no more than hip width apart. Bend down with the hips and lower back. Take note of what you feel and where you’re able to reach to without pushing it.
Ideal: Fingertips reach the ground with little to no discomfort in the back, hamstrings, and calves.
Significance: If you’re unable to accomplish this you’re at greater risk for injury to your lower back, knees, mid back and hips.
Self-Test # 2: Wall Angel
Purpose: This is a gross assessment to see if the neck vertebrae, upper back vertebrae, and shoulders are golf ready.
Instructions: Stand with your feet about 6″ from the wall and your back flat to the wall. Try and keep the head on the wall and your back against the wall as you bring your shoulders to 90 degrees to your sides and rotate them so the wrist touch the wall.
Ideal: You’re able to maintain contact against the wall with your head, wrist, elbows, and back.
Significance: If the mobility isn’t there then you’re at greater risk for injury to your neck, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
To schedule a complete assessment and to become golf ready contact us.