A muscle-up requires a considerable amount of upper body strength and coordination and it’s easy to strain your neck and/or shoulders when you are fatigued. In the case that we’ll be exploring this is exactly what happened.
Mechanism of Injury:
During a moment of fatigue Christine’s right shoulder “gave-out” and she was unable to stabilize herself and perform the muscle-up and consequently sprain/strained her neck and shoulder.
Daily Effect:
She experienced immediate pain around the right side of her neck and into her shoulder that never fully subsided. At the time the pain did not stop her from continuing to workout. However, 2 months out since the incident she continued to experience increased left shoulder and neck pain that now prevented her from working out. She began to have considerable pain and stiffness in the mornings. During the day she began having trouble lifting her arm overhead or doing any kind of pulling or pushing motion with her left shoulder such as:
- push-ups
- pull-ups
- ring dips
- burpees
- thrusters
- overhead squats
- and even normal everyday tasks like opening a door or unloading a the dishwasher
Day 1 Pre Diagnoses and Treatment:
After a thorough assessment to identify and prioritize precisely what tissues were injured and dysfunctional then targeted and specific treatment was implemented.
Treatment is only as powerful as its level of specificity. The vast majority of our patients experience results on the first day because of our targeted and specific treatment approach. These are the first day results:
Day 1 Post Treatment Results:
The patient was able to return to her workout routine fully in 1 month’s time. This is what was achieved through the different phases of care within that period of time.
- 1st Phase of Care: Reduce pain with normal everyday activity
- 2nd Phase of Care: Restore complete range of motion and function to neck and shoulder
- 3rd Phase of Care: Strengthening of neck and shoulder with specific therapeutic exercises and graded exposure back to activity
- 4th Phase of Care: Re-introduced full level of workout activities and maintained soft-tissue health through care.