Diana Balasky is not your typical human. She is quite remarkable, although she would tell you that she’s just herself. She is a 73 year old breast cancer survivor, challenger of norms, retiree, clever speaker of her mind, and an incredibly active person. When I say “active”, I mean the personal and heavy circuit training 3 times a week, core and stretch class twice a week, Vinyassa yoga and Tai Chi, kind of active. Told you she’s not typical.
When Diana came to see Dr. Yinh for the first time, she was experiencing leg and knee pain, and was very concerned that she wouldn’t be able to continue to enjoy her active lifestyle. The thought of giving up what she loves was a depressing blow. Her pain was most prominent while sleeping and walking up or down stairs. Diana’s diagnosis ended up being stenosis of the lower back, referring down to her knee and leg. We frequently hear from patients with stenosis, who have been told “it’s just something that happens with age” and that “there’s not much that can be done”. They have been prescribed pain medications, and left with the idea that the road ends there. With our proven process, our patients with stenosis can be helped and managed, and Diana is proof of this.
Diana’s goals with Dr. Yinh were to address the problem areas, as well as strengthen the surrounding muscles. Needless to say, she followed her treatment plan to a T. Today, she is thrilled to report that her stenosis related pain is gone. Nonexistent. She and her personal trainer incorporate Dr. Yinh’s prescribed exercises religiously and because of Diana’s diligence, she is able to continue to enjoy her active life.
She has zip-lined at the Brevard County Zoo and won a rowing contest at her gym, but our favorite Diana story (of which there are a great many) has to be the one that happened while she was on vacation in Canada last year. Diana was on a bus tour that took a break at a cathedral which boasted 100 steps to the door. Assuming that no one would actually do it, her tour guide jokingly said that they had just enough time for anyone who would like, to run up and down those steps before it was time to board again. He obviously had no idea who he was challenging! Diana took off up those steps, leaving behind a crowd of stunned faces. She made it up and back down again without a drop of pain, and she has been on a roll ever since.
Our hats off to Diana. We are so honored to be a part of her regimen, and hope that you are as inspired by her as we are, to keep your body in top working order whatever your age may be!
â“’Center for Musculoskeletal Function 2016

Elisa Yinh
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