From the outside looking in, our lives can be inaccurately condensed into neat little packages of the very best of times, totally discounting the gritty details. A person is born, they go through school, graduate from college, establish their career, meet a worthy partner, start a family, and live happily ever after (yadda, yadda, yadda).
In reality, life is a hot mess sometimes. But, it is also full of indescribable beauty. A more realistic life is like the diagram on the right. A veritable spaghetti noodle of experiences, mistakes, and choices with a healthy sprinkling of insanely gratifying celebrations along the way. When we accept the spaghetti, and let go of the mythical straight line, wonderful things begin to happen. We become able to look at the jarring turns which occurred in our past, not with regret and anger, but with a simple “noticing”. We realize that through our traumas, we have learned so much. We begin to acknowledge our physical injuries for what they are, and learn to let go of the emotions that we sometimes assign to them.
Seeking out the right treatment for an injury will set you on a journey that will not always be cut and dry, but the end point of your treatment plan will always be your personal maximum medical improvement (MMI). Manual medicine will help make your life more enjoyable, through the good times and the not so good, because it isn’t a band-aid. It creates a physical, palpable, fundamental change in your tissues. That’s good stuff.

Elisa Yinh
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